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Welcome to Branford Around The Buoys Sailing!

“Around the buoys” takes place on Wednesdays during the summer and Sundays during the fall and is open to all boats, regardless of color, sex, religion or origin. No entries fees, no certificate required, tune on channel 68 and give the Committee Boat your boat type and model.

The ATB Awards Party will be scheduled for this March 23, 2024 Details to follow.

The 2024 season starts Wednesday May 22, 2024 and runs trough October.

Starts are in the vicinity of R34. Bring your friends and spread the word. Don’t miss our beer can ten commandments. (we finance our group expenses with an Annual Dinner Party Award held during the winter. Join our Facebook group if you are looking for a boat to crew on, or crew for your boat. https://www.facebook.com/groups/aroundthebuoys/?pnref=story

The Branford Yacht Club bar is welcoming all ATB races fro drinks and food after the race. Sandwiches can be prepaid and held for late arrivals, stop by the bar before the race to reserve,



Edgar Smith, Pachyderm

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