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2024 Results

Hello everyone,


  • Please CB captains, I beg you to be creative with your courses between the 2 fleet, i.e when you pick a course windward/leeward twice for racers, instead of giving the cruisers the same course once around which is often too short of a course, give the cruisers a TRIANGLE option, such as R28- 10A- R34 for example. The cruisers CAN handle a race longer than 45 minutes. Thank you!


  • RACERS PLEASE, STAY AWAY windward of the cruisers or sometimes right in the middle of the course sequence, very hard to time a start when you have a bunch of boats windward taking your wind. THANK YOU!


For this year, no change from last year since it seems to work and no one has complained. Please forward your new rating (if changed) to me before the season starts.

A few notes on how to use and view this Excel document. Hopefully you are somewhat familiar with Excel. Look for the tabs are the bottom to show overall results for Wednesday and Sunday Races, Boat Name is where all the master records for each boat are kept and also keeps track of the overall trophy for both season and CB duty points.

Each number tab at the bottom, 1 thru 15 for Wednesdays, F1 thru F8 for fall will give you results for each race. I have kept intentionally the results from last year so you can see how you did the year before, new results will override each tab.

Please be aware that the new system will get you results faster and they will be more accurate if results or ratings change. It is a bit harder to see the results, but you get a lot more info and who knows, you might catch a mistake I made! 

This spreadsheet will be changed every week as I get the results. Check the modified date and time of the spreadsheet to see if results have been uploaded.

If there is no committee boat on duty - you must take and report your own time. Email times to me at edgar[at-sign]geomatrixproductions.com  Thanks

Download this file (ATB Results2024 Final.xls)ATB Results2024 Final.xls[ ]1621 kB2024-10-29 11:06