
So long David, we will miss you.

Yesterday, we lost a great sailor and a gentleman of the sea. David Seligson passed away on March 3rd. Most of you will remember Leda but if you had the chance to meet the captain, you were immediately taken by his sense of humor and great humbleness. With the hundreds of trophies he had collected, he never gloated or bragged, on the contrary, he always gave credit to his opponents. I would call that wisdom.

Lets be honest, we all secretly complained about his boat rating but deep down, we all knew it was not the rating but the skill of the captain who was passing by us with a gentle smile on his face.

Please feel free to share your comments or stories on the forum about David. See attached David's 'other life" sent to me by his daughter Judith.

May his soul rest in peace and let's keep David in our memories as a role model for the years to come. Thank you David for being there and sharing the passion of sailing with us.